a milo update

Milo is a big part of my life and I don't talk about him nearly enough on here nor do I write lifestyle posts as often as I'd like to. I hope you like this non style nor beauty related post - though I think he's a bit of a beauty. :)
Milo is a 2 year (and 2 month) old Alaskan Malamute weighing in at 56lb with a height of over a metre when on all fours and almost as tall as my 5'7" when stood on two legs. He likes long walks in the park and spending time with his mum (me!). When he's not wrestling with his dad you'll find Milo sat at the top of the drive surveying his estate or keeping an eye on the neighbours and birds from an upstairs window. His favourite foods are carrots, his special carrot & peanut butter cake, wafer thin ham, markies and flapjack (which I don't let him have but my boyfriend likes to sneak him the odd treat). His favourite tv shows are animal planet or anything with birds, polar bears, wolves or big cats - he could watch frozen planet all day.
Milo loves to hang out with his best friends; Charlie a border springer, Scruff a Jackapoo, Cora who is a lady Malamute and our neighbours beautiful Samoyed called Lola. He also hates the camera and is very hard to get a good photo of let alone a good selfie. The best time to quickly sneak a picture of him is whilst he's sleeping, cuddling you or when you catch him doing something unexpected - like being halfway up the stairs for instance... he's not supposed to go upstairs alone.

That's all from myself and Milo. I'll leave you with his best trick.. sneaking onto the bed whilst I get ready to go to bed. If you have any questions about my beautiful wolf pop them in a comment. :)

♥ abby & milo
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