featured find: lace booties anyone?

I've been meaning to start this post for a little while now and have finally found something that has forced me to begin my featured finds. Each week a come across at least one item, trend, fact, blog (and loads more) that I find interesting, exciting, just plain pretty or hideously ugly and want to tell you about it! And so that's exactly what i'm going to do.

Yes these will more than likely be the most simple of posts but is that such a bad thing? especially on a friday afternoon..

Let me know what you think, about the boots too ;)

♥ abby


  1. Thats something i would probably buy and then never wear just look at them and think how pretty they are!

  2. Ooh they're pretty! They should be framed or something, much too gorgeous to be worn on the ground ;) x

  3. Love this feature, an easy read to end the week on.
    I wouldn't wear those, but I have a friend that I can picture them in.

  4. Ooh gorgeous, They reminded me of these...


    I came across them when I was looking for my wedding shoes xx

  5. I love the shoe boots xx

  6. yummy yummy yummy! This is all :)

  7. love the feature and the new blog! I like those boots, i prefer the shorter ones tho xxxx

  8. Love those boots and your new blog design is gorgeous!

  9. Very pretty shoes! Liking the new blog design, apart from when the text goes over the image on the right its a little hard to read :S

  10. It seems a few of us have the same view.. I think they're really lovely but am not quite sure how i'd wear them. Any ideas anyone?

    Oh and thank you for all of the love for my blog new design! :) xx

  11. Where Can I get the mid calf version?


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